Product Name: Hair Loss Stop, 200 ml
Content: 200 ml
Information Leaflet:
This is a lotion against hair loss from Hofigal. Its effects can be seen from the fourth application of the product, when practically, the hair loss stop is accomplished.
A number of 1-3 caps (or monodoses) is sufficient for rubbing (depending on the individual hair length). Immediately after rubbing, cover your head with a warm towel or helmet until the revulsive effect disappears (for at least 30 minutes). Dry your hair again and do not wash it sooner than 48 hours. The procedure is repeated every two days. At the 4th application, the hair loss stop is practically accomplished. It is necessary to use it twice a week to maintain the effect.
Its use implies washing your hair with a mild herbal soap. Then, dry your hair and apply the lotion by rubbing it on your scalp.
Composition: Multiple glycosides, protoanemonina, anemonina, anemonol, saponins, substances revulsion, carotenoids, flavonoids, triterpenes, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, healing, epithelizant incentives cell regeneration, etc.. These active ingredients are extracted by methods differentiated from plants.
Directions for Use:
Wash your hair with a mild herbal plant soap. Dry it and then, rub the scalp with the Hair Loss Stop lotion (1-3 caps). Immediately after rubbing, cover your head with a warm towel or helmet until the revulsive effect disappears (for at least 30 minutes). Dry your hair again and do not wash it sooner than 48 hours. The procedure is repeated every two days. At the 4th application, the hair loss stop is practically accomplished. It is necessary to use it twice a week to maintain the effect.
Contraindications: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Manufacturer: HOFIGAL
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